Τρίτη 31 Μαΐου 2011
Τρίτη 24 Μαΐου 2011
Social critiques have linked educational psychology theories and techniques to the political interests of economic groupings such as the middle classes. From this perspective, educational psychology became the ideology of the capitalist status quo. Before discussing this view it is interesting to consider a historical analysis of this socially interested approach. Wooldridge reminds us that psychometrics was opposed from two distinct and opposing social directions. First, from a communitarian and egalitarian standpoint which questioned the very basis of a meritocracy on the grounds that it undermined communities by identifying and promoting individual social mobility so as to form elite groups.
Secondly, from a socially conservative standpoint which favoured the values of social order and the hereditary classes. For the second group, psychometrics was a threat because it supported individual social mobility and the allocation of social positions through a detached technical system.
Once IQ tests became an established part of the process of selection for secondary schools, they are also distrusted by many in the middle classes. When some children from the middle classes failed to get into grammar schools, this engendered doubts amongst parts of the middle classes about the selective system. Yet up to the 1950 the Labour party had a meritocratic wing which considered mental testing as supportive of justice and political change.
For example, during the inter-war period even a socialist political thinker like Twaney could favour the measurement of as a fairier way of allocating educational places than the operation of the class system (Twaney 1922). Twaney was later to revise this views on education, but it will surprise many to learn that someone with this socialist background was for a considerable period supporter of Burt and the psychometric ideal.
Wooldridge uses historical sources to argue that the psychometric movement did not express the interests of a social class (the simple Marxist arguement) as much as the interests of various status groups. He identified these as a scholarship winners from working-class backgrounds, middle -class professionals and the intellectual aristocracy. These groups had their own social interests in the benefits of mental measurment, but the point is that this was not ,in Marxist terms, a simple social class matter. However, there has been another social critique of educational psychologists and their use of psychometrics, already mentioned on chapter 3, which focuses on thier professional interests (for instance, Rose, 1985). It is that psychologists' theories and methods were designed to advance professional interests and enhance control over clients. However, there difficulties with this interpretation. Though professional groups no doubt act in part from professional self-interests the historical evidence, as Wooldridge shows, does not fit this account.
For example, psychometrists, acted against their own material interests by designing and disseminating standardised tests which could be used by non-psychologists. Though some tests are restricted to professional psychologists, even today this does not apply to many tests which are for use by teachers and others. Secondly, the interest in and connections with eugenics at the origins of educational psychology, unacceptable as they are, relate to the community and not to simple professional interests. Thirdly, educational psychologists have had a long-standing interest in identifying children with difficulties and disabilities with a view to providing appropriate education and training. Though some psychologists in both Europe and the USA were hard-lined supporters of eugenic sterilisation programmes, this attitude was not shared by all psychologists.
As I argued in chapter 3, there was a strong tradition of scientific psychology which underpinned progressive social policies. Even Cyril Burt was a keen supporter of social policies to eradicate the effects of social and economic disadvantage on the development of children from working class backgrounds. (Burt, 1937)
Wooldridge also identifies the sources of the more recent trends away from psychometrics and the meritocratic ideal. There were growing technical critisisms of the tests, doubts about their underlying theoritical basis and acounts of their abuses, even amongst psychologists. The very ideal of meritocracy also came under attack. Sociologists, after the second world war, showed how the environment affects ability and achievement. This led to resurgence of interest in enironmentalism, which favoured the forces of social circumstances rather than inherited biological factors. Tests came to be seen as measuring social constructs which reflected the social values of dominant social groups. Poor perfomance in this tests came to be attributed to biasing factors in the social system and not to individual potential. As environmentalism rose with the growth of sociological accounts, so individualist and biologically based thoeries associated with psychology fell.
This spells out more fully the background to the identity crisis in educational psychology described by Sutherland (1988), and with wich we are still dealing. Part of this crisis was evident when practitioner psychologists themselves became critical of psychometrics and the individual focus of psychology, a topic which will be discussed more fully later in this chapter.
The post-Second World war critique of psychometrics and its ideals was also extended by political thinkers from a socialist position to raise doubts about the values of individualist social mobility and the kind of mechanistic and planned society dedicated to production and efficiency.
Secondly, from a socially conservative standpoint which favoured the values of social order and the hereditary classes. For the second group, psychometrics was a threat because it supported individual social mobility and the allocation of social positions through a detached technical system.
Once IQ tests became an established part of the process of selection for secondary schools, they are also distrusted by many in the middle classes. When some children from the middle classes failed to get into grammar schools, this engendered doubts amongst parts of the middle classes about the selective system. Yet up to the 1950 the Labour party had a meritocratic wing which considered mental testing as supportive of justice and political change.
For example, during the inter-war period even a socialist political thinker like Twaney could favour the measurement of as a fairier way of allocating educational places than the operation of the class system (Twaney 1922). Twaney was later to revise this views on education, but it will surprise many to learn that someone with this socialist background was for a considerable period supporter of Burt and the psychometric ideal.
Wooldridge uses historical sources to argue that the psychometric movement did not express the interests of a social class (the simple Marxist arguement) as much as the interests of various status groups. He identified these as a scholarship winners from working-class backgrounds, middle -class professionals and the intellectual aristocracy. These groups had their own social interests in the benefits of mental measurment, but the point is that this was not ,in Marxist terms, a simple social class matter. However, there has been another social critique of educational psychologists and their use of psychometrics, already mentioned on chapter 3, which focuses on thier professional interests (for instance, Rose, 1985). It is that psychologists' theories and methods were designed to advance professional interests and enhance control over clients. However, there difficulties with this interpretation. Though professional groups no doubt act in part from professional self-interests the historical evidence, as Wooldridge shows, does not fit this account.
For example, psychometrists, acted against their own material interests by designing and disseminating standardised tests which could be used by non-psychologists. Though some tests are restricted to professional psychologists, even today this does not apply to many tests which are for use by teachers and others. Secondly, the interest in and connections with eugenics at the origins of educational psychology, unacceptable as they are, relate to the community and not to simple professional interests. Thirdly, educational psychologists have had a long-standing interest in identifying children with difficulties and disabilities with a view to providing appropriate education and training. Though some psychologists in both Europe and the USA were hard-lined supporters of eugenic sterilisation programmes, this attitude was not shared by all psychologists.
As I argued in chapter 3, there was a strong tradition of scientific psychology which underpinned progressive social policies. Even Cyril Burt was a keen supporter of social policies to eradicate the effects of social and economic disadvantage on the development of children from working class backgrounds. (Burt, 1937)
Wooldridge also identifies the sources of the more recent trends away from psychometrics and the meritocratic ideal. There were growing technical critisisms of the tests, doubts about their underlying theoritical basis and acounts of their abuses, even amongst psychologists. The very ideal of meritocracy also came under attack. Sociologists, after the second world war, showed how the environment affects ability and achievement. This led to resurgence of interest in enironmentalism, which favoured the forces of social circumstances rather than inherited biological factors. Tests came to be seen as measuring social constructs which reflected the social values of dominant social groups. Poor perfomance in this tests came to be attributed to biasing factors in the social system and not to individual potential. As environmentalism rose with the growth of sociological accounts, so individualist and biologically based thoeries associated with psychology fell.
This spells out more fully the background to the identity crisis in educational psychology described by Sutherland (1988), and with wich we are still dealing. Part of this crisis was evident when practitioner psychologists themselves became critical of psychometrics and the individual focus of psychology, a topic which will be discussed more fully later in this chapter.
The post-Second World war critique of psychometrics and its ideals was also extended by political thinkers from a socialist position to raise doubts about the values of individualist social mobility and the kind of mechanistic and planned society dedicated to production and efficiency.
Κυριακή 22 Μαΐου 2011
Ηλιος Και Ζεστη
Επιτελους, καλος καιρος.
Ελπιζω να μην ακουσω τιποτα για λειψυδρια, για 10 χρονια νερο εριξε τους τελευταιους 3 μηνες, σαπισαμε.
Τωρα αρχισαμε να βγαζουμε και τη μικρουλα πιο συχνα, σημερα πηγαμε για καφε στην παραλια. Η μικρη απολαμβανει τις βολτες με το αυτοκινητο και το καροτσι και χαιρεται να κοιταζει ολα αυτα τα καινουργια για αυτην πραγματα που συνανταμε.
Ελπιζω να μην ακουσω τιποτα για λειψυδρια, για 10 χρονια νερο εριξε τους τελευταιους 3 μηνες, σαπισαμε.
Τωρα αρχισαμε να βγαζουμε και τη μικρουλα πιο συχνα, σημερα πηγαμε για καφε στην παραλια. Η μικρη απολαμβανει τις βολτες με το αυτοκινητο και το καροτσι και χαιρεται να κοιταζει ολα αυτα τα καινουργια για αυτην πραγματα που συνανταμε.
The Charlatans - 14/05/2011 - Photos
Δεν ξερω την ηλικια του τραγουδιστη αλλα μεχρι και 25 μπορεις να τον κανεις. Μονο που οι charlatans παιζουν μουσικη απο τα τελη του '80 περιπου.
Πολυ ωραιο live, στην αρχη ξεκινησαν λιγο νωθρα αλλα μαλλον ειναι το στυλ τους. Οχι μαλλον, σιγουρα. Και στο ντυσιμο ηταν βγαλμενοι απο τις αρχες το '90.
Παρασκευή 20 Μαΐου 2011
"Διεξοδος"- Εκδηλωσεις
Με χαρα σας ανακοινωνω οτι συμμετεχω εγω στην εκθεση φωτογραφιας στο στρατοπεδο Κοδρα στα πλαισια των παραπανω εκδηλωσεων, ως μελος του φωτογραφικου κεντρου Θεσσαλονικης. Ειναι πρωτη φορα που θα εκθεσω φωτογραφιες και εχω λιγη αγωνια, σημερα πηρα τα καδρα και περιμενω ενημερωση για το ποτε θα μπουνε....
ΚΟΔΡΑ festival Δημόσιος χώρος- Ο κοινός μας χώρος |
ΔΙΕΞΟΔΟΣ Σύλλογος ενεργών πολιτών Καλαμαριάς Η «διέξοδος», ένας σύλλογος ενεργών πολιτών της Καλαμαριάς με 10ετή δράση, διοργανώνει για το διάστημα 27 Μαΐου με 2 Ιουνίου μία σειρά δράσεων και εκδηλώσεων στο κτήριο κοιτώνες, στο πρώην στρατόπεδο ΚΟΔΡΑ, στην Καλαμαριά Θεσσαλονίκης, σε έναν χώρο του οποίου ο ελεύθερος και δημόσιος χαρακτήρας έχει απειληθεί πολλές φορές στο παρελθόν και τον οποίο κατάφεραν, ως ένα βαθμό να θωρακίσουν οι συλλογικότητες της πόλης. Σε έναν χώρο που βρίσκεται, όμως, και πάλι στο μάτι του κυκλώνα, καθώς συμπεριλαμβάνεται στην περίφημη λίστα των ακινήτων του δημοσίου που οδεύουν προς εκποίηση ή «αξιοποίηση». |
ΚΟΔΡΑ festival Δημόσιος χώρος- Ο κοινός μας χώρος Για μία βδομάδα, πολίτες, ομάδες, κινήματα, δημιουργοί, αξιοποιούν το ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟ ΧΩΡΟ. Γιατί για μας το «ΚΟΔΡΑ» αξία ποιεί διασώζοντας τη μνήμη μας με την ιστορική του συνέχεια, από τα αποτυπώματα αρχαίων οικισμών ως τα νεώτερα μνημεία. Διασώζοντας τις αισθήσεις μας με άλλους ήχους, άλλες εικόνες, άλλες μυρωδιές. Γιατί για μας ο ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΣ ΧΩΡΟΣ αξία ποιεί παραμένοντας ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΣ. Σας καλούμε, λοιπόν, στα εγκαίνια του φετινού μας προγράμματος την |
Παρασκευή 27 Μαΐου Εγκαίνια εκθέσεων- Πάρτι εγκαινίων Ομαδικές εκθέσεις: ζωγραφικής, φωτογραφίας, δημιουργιών χειρός, σκίτσου καιHappening από την ομάδα «Θυμωμένοι». Σε αυτές τις εκθέσεις συμμετέχει και το Φωτογραφικό Κέντρο Θεσσαλονίκης με έργα των φωτογράφων: Αθανάσιος Αθανασιάδης, Ελπίδα Κάτσικα, Κώστας Ευαγγελάτος , Δημήτρης Ζωγράφος, Βασίλης Καρκατσέλης, Δημήτρης Προκοπίου, Κυριάκος Κατσαρέας, Ελένη Μπενιάκου, Ιωάννης Παπαδόπουλος, Νίκη Γλεούδη, Χριστίνα Παπαφράγκου, Σταύρος Σταματίου, Νίκος Κοτζαμπασάκης, Αγγελική Βλάχου, Ντέντος Δημήτρης, και Τριαντάφυλλος Χαραλαμπίδης. |
Το υπόλοιπο πρόγραμμα δράσεων- εκδηλώσεων είναι: Σάββατο 28 Μαΐου Second hand bazaar διάρκεια 28 Μαΐου - 2 Ιουνίου Κυριακή 29 Μαΐου 11.00 Ξενάγηση στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο του πρώην στρατοπέδου με τη βοήθεια της κ. Ελένη Μανακίδου- Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια Κλασικής Αρχαιολογίας του Α.Π.Θ. 13.00 Κυνήγι θησαυρού. Εικαστικές παρεμβάσεις: Εγκατάσταση «αδιέξοδος» στη σοφίτα των «Κοιτώνων» από τον Sotirios. Εικαστική παρέμβαση από την SCH.EL 21.00 Αφιέρωμα-Συζήτηση- Μανόλης Αναγνωστάκης: Ποιητική και Πολιτική Πράξη Ομιλητές: Γιώργος Κεχαγιόγλου, Καθηγητής Τμ. Φιλολογίας ΑΠΘ: Δημήτρης Κόκκορης, Επ. Καθηγητής (εκλεγμένος) Τμ. Φιλολογίας ΑΠΘ Μιχάλης Μπακογιάννης, Λέκτορας Τμ. Φιλολογίας ΑΠΘ Συντονίζει: Δημοσθένης Σταμάτης, μέλος της «διεξόδου» Τρίτη 31 Μαΐου 19.00 Παρέμβαση από την Ένωση για τα δικαιώματα των πεζών. 20.00 Συλλογικότητες στην ίδια πόλη- Συνάντηση- παρουσίαση των συλλόγων της Καλαμαριάς. Οι σύλλογοι της Καλαμαριάς παρουσιάζουν την ιστορία τους, το έργο τους, σε μία συνάντηση γνωριμίας των ανθρώπων που ζουν, δρουν στην ίδια πόλη και ενδιαφέρονται για το παρόν και το μέλλον της. Θα ακολουθήσει συζήτηση για το κεντρικό θέμα του φεστιβάλ, το Δημόσιο Χώρο. Τετάρτη 1 Ιουνίου 19.00-20.30 Θεατρικό-οικολογικό δρώμενο, περιβαλλοντικό παιχνίδι και συζήτηση από την Ομάδα Περιβάλλοντος της ΧΕΝ Καλαμαριάς 20.30 Εκδήλωση- Αφιέρωμα, Κώστας Αξελός: «Η Πόλη-πρόβλημα» Ομιλητές: Ιορδάνης Στυλίδης : Επίκουρος καθηγητής του τμήματος Αρχιτεκτόνων-Μηχανικών του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας. Μιχάλης Παναγιωτίδης : μέλος της «διεξόδου» Μουσική παρέμβαση από το «Κρουστόφωνο» Πέμπτη 2 Ιουνίου 21.00 Woyzeck, μια μουσική παράσταση δρόμου. Τμήμα Θεάτρου, Σχολή Καλών Τεχνών, Α.Π.Θ. στο δασάκι του πρώην στρατοπέδου. Πρόκειται για παράσταση βασισμένη στη μουσική του Tom Waits για την ομώνυμη παράσταση του Robert Wilson το 2002 (εμπνευσμένη από το θεατρικό έργο Woyzeck του Georg Bϋchner). Ώρες λειτουργίας των εκθέσεων Σαβ.& Κυρ. 11.00-14.00 & 18.00-22.00 Καθημερινές: 18.00-22.00 Επικοινωνία: Τηλέφωνο: 6947705491 Ελένη Παπαθεοδοσίου (υπεύθυνη συντονισμού) e-mail: el_papateo@yahoo.com site: diexodos2000.gr |
Βρωμιαρηδες, ξεκωλιαρηδες, αληταραδες,παραγοντισκοι, λαμογια, ξεφτιλισμενοι, βαλτε καλα στο μυαλο σας πως ο Ηρακλης ηταν,ειναι και θα ειναι η μεγαλυτερη ομαδα στην Ελλαδα.
Πέμπτη 19 Μαΐου 2011
Μεσα σε ολα τα τρεχαματα σημερα εβγαλα και μερικες φωτογραφιες, οπως αυτο το ανεμελο σαλιγκαρι.... Εκρεμμουν φωτογραφιες και εντυπωσεις απο τη συναυλια των Charlatans αλλα λιγο αργοτερα γιατι εχω πηξει και δεν προλαβαινω...
Τρίτη 3 Μαΐου 2011
Δευτέρα 2 Μαΐου 2011
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